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Amber's Tummy Soothing Chicken Herb Casserole

I’d like to share with you one of my nutritional remedies for dogs with digestive upsets. The other day my dog Amber had a tummy upset (sickness, diarrhoea and loss of appetite). So I decided to make her a soothing chicken and vegetable ‘casserole’ which includes some anti-bacterial culinary herbs to support her digestive system and help her recover. Needless to say she guzzled it up!

It is very easy to make. I use chicken legs and thighs as the boiled bones add important nutrients to the mix. Any meat will do if you prefer to replace the chicken with lamb, beef or turkey. The recipe is below: -

Boil then simmer some chicken legs and thighs in water to form a chicken broth (up to an hour on low heat). Remove the chicken pieces and keep them aside. Add to the broth some chicken liver and chopped vegetables. The vegetables I added today were carrot, spinach, broccoli, squash, and sprouts. You can use whichever vegetables you like that are safe for dogs (avoid onions and leeks!). Add the following chopped culinary herbs which have anti-bacterial and digestive supporting properties: root ginger, a small clove of garlic, parsley, mint, and a sprig of thyme. Garlic is safe for dogs in small quantities. Simmer the veg, herbs and chicken liver in the broth until the vegetables are cooked. Meanwhile, separate the meat on the cooked chicken pieces from the bones and discard the cooked bones. Once the vegetables in the broth are cooked, switch off the heat and add the chicken meat. When the casserole has cooled sufficiently, serve it in a bowl including the nutritious liquid broth (as that will have all the lovely nutrients).

I gave Amber the chicken casserole until she was better, then restarted her usual raw diet. This recipe is not a complete meal in itself but can be used as part of a balanced diet. Happy cooking, happy dogs!

Note: Never give cooked bones to pets as they splinter into shar

p shards that can cause internal damage. Raw bones are fine. Liver is very rich in vitamin A and should make up only 10% of the total meat content.

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