Rita Lymboura BSc(Hons) MHAO
Complementary Therapist
Rita Lymboura BSc(Hons) MHAO, worked in clinical research for over 20 years before leaving to follow her passion for animal care and holistic therapies. She began her healing journey with Reiki for human clients before developing her skills to work with animals.
Rita gained a Diploma in Animal Healing and a certificate in Natural Animal Food Remedies with Elizabeth Whiter’s Healing Animals Organisation. This led to studies in herbal remedies, taking a short course at the College of Naturopathic Medicine before studying Animal Herbal Self-selection with Rose Therapies. Further CPD courses included feline and canine zoopharmacognosy gateway courses with applied zoopharmacognosy pioneer Caroline Ingraham. She also trained in Canine Merishia Massage and Myofascial Release for canine mobility and joint care.
Rita has experience as a veterinary receptionist, and has voluntarily worked in several animal shelters both here and abroad, including the National Animal Welfare Trust, RSPCA, Animal Care Egypt, Dog Rescue Cyprus, and The Cinnamon Trust.
Click here to see more on her voluntary work.
Rita lives with her rescue dog, Amber, and her cat Suki. She loves her animal work and continues to develop her skills.
Rita is a registered healer and Member of the Healing Animals Organisation, and a member of the Rose Association of Therapists.
Qualifications & Training:
BSc (Hons) Degree in Microbiology - University College London
Diploma in Animal Healing - Elizabeth Whiter, Healing Animals Organisation (HAO)
Applied Herbal Choices for Pets (Zoopharmacognosy) - Rose Therapies
Canine Merishia Massage - Rose Therapies
Canine Myofascial Release - Rose Therapies
Relax HAOK9 Massage - Healing Animals Organisation
Feline Pharmacognosy course (Feline Gateway 1) - Caroline Ingraham
Canine Pharmacognosy course (Canine Gateway 1) - Caroline Ingraham
Herbs for Everyday Living - College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM)
Introduction to Animal Acu-Point Therapy (Acupressure) - Lucy Yeomans, Rose Therapies
Animal Communication - Alex Butler, Rose Therapies
Animal Communication workshop - Elizabeth Whiter, HAO
Reiki Master Practitioner degree - William Rand, International Reiki Centre
Reiki Levels 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Mastership - Bernadette Rae
Crystal Healing, Level 2 practitioner - Philip Permutt, The Crystal Healer
Introduction to the Chakras - Sally Topham, Energy Harmonix